Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Ellery and her best friend, Tatum. Look how excited these two are about the carriage ride!

Can you tell Dane just woke-up???

The God's of Christmas spirit were looking out for us on Saturday. We ventured down to our local shopping forum in search of Santa, a carriage ride, and lunch. We walked up to Santa to find NO LINE, as well as no charge to bring your own camera and take a picture of your child with Santa--unbelievable! We also waited a brief 10-15 minutes to take a FREE carriage ride around the center. What great luck. . . .do you think all the "freebies" are a sign of the economy??


starnes family said...

I'd say that is a successful outing! Awesome. Great pictures, too.

Denise Thomas said...

I don't know, Mer. No freebies in Bellevue and the wait to see Santa at Nordstrom was 1 hour and 45 minutes. Thank goodness that had enough sense to take our cell phones and call us when it was almost our turn. They do let you take as many "extra" pics with your own camera as you would like. Oh, well! 'Tis the season!

Denise Thomas said...

post script....

They didn't take our phones..just our phone numbers!
Yikes it is early!