We had a fun weekend which included the Christmas parade in downtown Encinitas. It was quite adorable and included homemade floats, decorated bikes and scooters, and even boat floats! Naturally, we forgot to bring the camera, but here are a few pics from our beach park outing today. We did not stay too long, as it was a chilly 62 degrees(wow are we spoiled)!!! Is Ellery trying to lick her brother on the slide???
I think one of Sarah Palin's children started that licking trend during the campaigns. Not kidding...it was hilarious....her licking her hand and then combing down her brother's hair. Little girls!
Speaking of hair, did you cut yours? You look darling!
I do remember Sarah Palin's child licking--too funny! That is Ellery's new thing. . . . she licks her hand, my bathroom mirror and now, her brother. Yes, I did cut my hair--I needed a change in a BAD way!!!!
I do remember Sarah Palin's child licking--too funny! That is Ellery's new thing. . . . she licks her hand, my bathroom mirror and now, her brother. Yes, I did cut my hair--I needed a change in a BAD way!!!!
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