Monday, August 16, 2010

Standing with her buddy, Jackson.

Well, it has happened.....the former Kindergarten teacher is now the parent of a Kindergartener! How did this happen? Ellery walked into our room at 6:30 this morning, fully dressed, teeth brushed, shoes on, and bow in hair, ready for her first day. She didn't flinch and did not seem even remotely nervous. She was ready. Her teacher is "the" teacher, and she has 3 friends from our neighborhood in her class. Darin and I both shed some tears, and Dane still seems confused at to why he isn't staying at her school, too. I can't wait for 2:20 to arrive and find out all about her very important, first day of "real " school. Why do they have to grow up???


Carrie Darney said...

Oh Mer...I am so proud of her but so sad for you! What a big girl!!! Awwww...

The Rand's said...

What a cutie! She looks so happy in the last picture.

SASS said...

Big girl! And brave!! She looks so cute in her first day outfit. Little baby dressed herself- so excited!
Lainy started kindergarten today, too. I don't feel like she should be old enough yet!! :(

starnes family said...

Sweet Ellery. She will do so well! Can't wait to hear how it went.