Friday, June 18, 2010

This man, this wonderful man. When I married him, I knew he would be a great husband and assumed he would also be a great father. Well Darin, you have surpassed all of my expectations, 10 times over. I love to watch the children's faces when you pull into the garage after work....they simply light-up. They give the most heartfelt belly laughs when you play with them and act silly. You are absolutely their hero, and mine, too. Thank you for always making us laugh and try new things. Thank you for working so hard to provide for us and thank you for loving us so deeply! Happy Father's Day! XXOOO


Dee Stephens said...

YAY! for Father's Day!

Carrie Darney said...

And thank you lord for blessing us with Darin's rediculous good looks (spelling). You simply outdid yourself creating such a well as my man...we're lucky women Mer...except mine has bad gas...alot.

starnes family said...

He's a good one, Merrilee.

Nice, Carrie.

Happy Father's Day, Darin!

SASS said...

Good one, Carrie.

Love this post, Merrilee! So sweet! He's lucky to have such an appreciative wife :)
DARLING photos, too!