AAHHHH , the San Diego zoo. What a little treasure we have here in our fine city. If you have never visited the zoo, it is quite an experience. First, it is right in the middle of a lovely park, Balboa Park, which include museums, parks, open spaces, and of course, the zoo. The zoo is lovely in and of itself. . . .beautiful trees, plants, flowers and rolling hills. I have yet to see the entire thing as it is HUGE and quite a workout. You could honestly burn some MAJOR calories just walking through the entire park. If walking is too much, you also have the option of taking a bus or sky tour. We recently took advantage of our gorgeous weather and spent an afternoon touring(sorry for those of you in freezing temps right now--you can always come visit).
I have never wanted to be a gorilla more than I do right now...
Carrie. That was wrong. And, so unexpected coming from you.
The zoo....it is the best......absolutely love it!
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