Monday, January 18, 2010

In her own "princess" world.

Can you guess what song she is singing here?

"And the Oscar goes to. . . .Ellery Libby"! These are words that I actually think I could hear in my lifetime. Ellery has quite the imagination and is often extremely dramatic in her "role playing" of a princess. She has basically memorized the entire movie of "The Little Mermaid" and can not pass a rock without re-enacting the song, "Part of your world". She often tells Darin and I that she is not Ellery, she is Ariel. We in turn, have to pretend to be Prince Eric, or the wicked Ursula. Lord help us!


starnes family said...

She is such a fun!!!!! And, yes, you might just hear those words one day. :)

Carrie Darney said...

Some day, my prince will come...SOMEDAY my prince will come!

She is a Ursula? Not ever...funny though!!